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Strongly correlated systems

- Permanent members :
Poilblanc Didier (Group Leader, DRCE CNRS)
Alet Fabien (DR CNRS)
Berthière Clément (CR CNRS)
Capponi Sylvain (PR UPS)
Kurkjian Hadrien (CR CNRS)
Laflorencie Nicolas (DR CNRS)
Mambrini Matthieu (CR CNRS)
Petković Aleksandra (MCF UPS)
Pujol Pierre (PR UPS)
Ramazashvili Revaz (CR CNRS)
Ristivojevic Zoran (CR CNRS)
Trifunovic Luka (CR CNRS)

- PhD students and postdocs:
Ponnaganti Ravi Teja
Budaraju Sasank
Dabholkar Bhupen
Chakrabarti Ankita
Repplinger Thomas
Colbois Jeanne

- past PhD students and postdocs:
Pranay Patil
Juraj Hasik
Dupont Maxime
Reichert Benjamin
Gauthé Olivier
Tu Wei-Lin
Chen Ji-Yao
Theveniaut Hugo
Mace Nicolas
Plat Xavier
Alvarez Juan Pablo
Picot Thibaut
Makhfudz Imam
Luitz David
Sumiran Pujari
Iqbal Yasir
Soni Medha
Bègue Frédéric

FFC group 2013 FFC group (2013)

- Previous members & visitors

Welcome to the web-page of the Strongly Correlated Systems group. In the following pages, we present the various research activities developed in our group.

Previous members & visitors

Mila Frédéric Sorensen Eric Schwandt David Iqbal Yasir Abendschein Andreas article 47 Roux Guillaume Ralko Arnaud Albuquerque Fabricio Lamas Carlos Barbiero Luca Casa Grande Helder FFC group (2010) Visitors / Collaborators : Mila Frédéric Oshikawa Masaki

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Journal Club FFC

All infos related to our JC on Wednesdays 11:00

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