Accueil du site > Équipes de recherche > Agrégats > Theory days > Theory days on Stochastic and Dissipative Effects
Toulouse, Nov-Dec 30, 1, 2, 2011
- 29 avril 2011
Organizers : P. Romaniello, V. Veniard, P. M. Dinh, and E. Suraud
The flyer can be downloaded here.
The third announcement can be downloaded here.
The second announcement can be downloaded here.
The first announcement can be downloaded here.
Following the tradition of the previous successful two meetings (2009 and 2010), the Workshop aims to stimulate constructive discussions, collaborations, and knowledge exchange among a selected group of theoreticians. This year the workshop will be devoted to the ab initio description of Stochastic and Dissipative effects in real time dynamics. The typical physical situations we aim to describe concern in particular the irradiation of clusters and molecules by extreme light. By extreme light we mean in particular high intensity lasers for which energy deposit is known to be especially important. But other "extreme" light sources such as FEL or attosecond lasers certainly also constitute highly interesting cases to explore. Real time dynamics simulation is a valuable resource to the chemical and physical communities, since it allows for direct mimicking of numerous time-domain experiments and provides a detailed atomistic description of chemical and physical processes and interactions. However, in order to make the simulation feasible one has to recur to some approximations, on which the accuracy of the results rely. We will focus on how to reproduce realistic situations such as photodissociation or multi-ionization within state-of-the-art methodologies such Time-dependent Density-Functional Theory (TDDFT). Attention will be paid to the failures of the current approximations and on how to improve. Approaches beyond TDDFT, such as Time-Dependent Density Matrix, stochastic TDDFT and Trajectory Surface Hopping methods will be also discussed. We plan to gather people from various groups working in this domain, mostly in western Europe. The workshop is intended to be a working forum, thus rather informal. The format will consist in a series of long detailed talks, typically 1 hour (40 mn talk + 20 mn for questions) focusing in particular on ongoing problems and open ends. Some free time will furthermore be reserved for collective discussions. We thus urge participants to prepare their talks in this spirit. Ultimately a most effcient organization would consist in having a limited number of talks per representative group in order to avoid doublings. If a consensus is reached during the workshop it would be highly profitable to envision a sequel to this workshop in order to possibly establish, at best collaborative links between the various groups with possible exchange of researchers and students, at worst an ongoing follow up of progress in the field.
The list of speakers is detailed below :
H. Appel (Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany)
T. Fennel (Department of Physics, University of Rostock, Germany)
F. Lépine (Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Ionique et Moléculaire, Lyon, France)
R. van Leeuwen (Department of Physics, Nanoscience Center, University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
N. T. Maitra (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hunter college, New York, US)
C. Meier (Laboratoire Collisions-Agrégats-Réactivité, Toulouse, France)
K. Pernal (Insitute of Physics, University of Lodz, Poland)
T. Raitza (Theoretical Physics, University Rostock, Germany)
J. M. Rost (Max Planck Institute for the Physiks of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)
A. Rubio (Nano-bio spectroscopy group, San Sebastian, Spain)
C. Simenel (DAPNIA, CEA, France)
L. Stella (Nanobio Spectro Group, San Sebastian, Spain)
V. Véniard (Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés, Palaiseau, France)
Y. Wang (Department of Chemistry, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
The program can be dowloaded here.
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