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Capponi Sylvain


Professeur - UPS

Membre honoraire de l’Institut Universitaire de France

Contact :

Address : Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, FeRMI, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France

Office : 306 Bâtiment 3R1B4

Phone : +33 (0)5 61 55 77 32

Fax : +33 (0)5 61 55 60 65

Research Interests:

- Strongly correlated electronic systems
- Frustrated quantum spin systems
- Cold atomic gases on optical lattice
- Algorithmic advances in computational physics


- Exact Diagonalization
- Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG)
- Contractor Renormalization (CORE) Method
- Quantum Monte Carlo


- 2022: School on Machine Learning for Quantum Many-Body Physics[/rouge]
- 2021: XXXII conference on computational physics
- 2015: Les Houches Doctoral Training in Statistical Physics[/rouge]

Short CV:

- 2024: Director of LPT
- 2021-2024: Deputy director of FeRMI
- 2016-2020: Deputy director of LPT
- 2009: Junior member of the "Institut Universitaire de France"
- Since 2008: Professor at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- 2000-2008: Assistant professor at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- 1999-2000: Postdoc with F. Assaad, Stuttgart, Germany
- 1995-1999: Ph.D. with D. Poilblanc, Toulouse
- 1992-1995: Undergraduate studies at ENS Lyon


See a complete list or use cond-mat preprint archive

Link to Google scholar or ResearcherId

Recent Highlights

- Is 1D physics experimentally accessible in real systems?
- Nearly Deconfined Spinon Excitations in the Square-Lattice Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
- Temperature dependence of the NMR relaxation rate 1/T1 for quantum spin chains
- Physique théorique : particules sur la grille
- Développements non perturbatifs à bases de graphes
- Real space imaging of spin polarons
- Symmetry-protected topological phases of cold atoms in one dimension
- Comment on "Topological quantum phase transitions of attractive spinless fermions in a honeycomb lattice"
- Computing fidelity at magnetic quantum phase transitions
- Effective Theory of Magnetization Plateaux in the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice

Selected Talks

- Chiral spin liquid phases in SU(N) quantum magnets, Los Angeles, 23/04/2021 (pdf)
- Dynamical properties of the S=1/2 random Heisenberg chain, Beijing, 31/01/2018 (pdf)
- Baxter-Wu model in transverse field, Pont-à-Mousson, 05/2014 (pdf)
- Effective Spin Couplings in the Mott Insulator of the Honeycomb Lattice Hubbard Model, Santa Barbara, 08/2012 (pdf)
- Emergent U(1) symmetry in Square Lattice Quantum Dimer Models, Boston, 03/2012 (pdf)
- Approches théoriques pour la supraconductivité, et au-delà, Toulouse, 12/2011 (pdf, in french)


- PhD Thesis (in french): "Etude théorique du rôle des processus interchaînes dans des liquides de Luttinger couplés (10/1999) ", electronic versions: pdf, HAL Website.

- Habilitation Thesis (in french): "Habilitation à diriger les recherches ", electronic versions: pdf, HAL Website.


- Toulouse group: Strongly Correlated Systems

- PhD students:

  • Guillaume Roux, "Echelles de spins dopées sous champ magnétique", (HAL-website)
  • Andreas Abendschein, "Hamiltoniens effectifs pour des aimants quantiques sous champ magnétique" (pdf, 5.25 MB, see also HAL-website)
  • Xavier Plat, "Etude de modèles magnétiques frustrés sous champ en basses dimensions" (HAL-website)
  • Maxime Dupont, "Dynamique et désordre dans des aimants quantiques", (HAL-website)
  • Olivier Gauthé, "Tensor Network Methods for SU(N) Spin Systems", (HAL-website)