Accueil du site > Annuaire > Alet Fabien
Directeur de recherche - CNRS
Directeur Adjoint / Deputy Director LPT
Contact :
Address :
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
Office : 203 (2nd floor) Bâtiment 3R1B4
Phone : +33 (0)5 61 55 68 69
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 55 60 65
My research interests are centered within condensed matter theory & statistical mechanics, in particular in the area of strongly correlated systems. A few research themes :
Quantum physics
Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum magnetism, Superconductors, Cold atoms
Many-body localization, out of equilibrium quantum physics
Neural networks & quantum physics
Statistical mechanics & constrained models
High-performance computational physics, numerical techniques
Relation to quantum information theory
Participation to open-source projects and softwares : ALPS project (quantum Monte Carlo code SSE), Shift-invert Many Body Localization, NetKet
2024-25 : Postdoc position on Many-Body Localization and related quantum out-of-equilibrium phenomena. Contact me
2024-25 : PhD topics available on Applications of neural quantum states in frustrated magnets and Many-Body Localization. To be precise, I have unfortunately no funding available for a PhD position, but if a student obtains independent funding, there are many problems to explore in these areas ! These topics involve (some) development of new numerical methods, so students with a computational heart are strongly encourage to contact me if they are interested to know more. M2 internships before possible, but only in case of possibility of a PhD afterwards.
Links to publications databasis Arxiv, Citation data basis : Researcher ID A-4147-2011 (published work), Orcid (published work and review work), ADS (including preprints), Google Scholar (including preprints)
Interaction-Driven Instabilities in the Random-Field XXZ Chain, Jeanne Colbois, Fabien Alet, Nicolas Laflorencie, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 116502 (2024), arXiv:2403.09608
Ergodic and non-ergodic properties of disordered SU(3) chains, Bhupen Dabholkar, Fabien Alet, arXiv:2403.0442
Noncoplanar and chiral spin states on the way towards Néel ordering in fullerene Heisenberg models, Attila Szabó, Sylvain Capponi, Fabien Alet, Phys. Rev. B 109, 054410 (2024), arXiv:2311.01496
Classical fully-packed loop model with attractive interactions on the square lattice, Bhupen Dabholkar, Xiaoxue Ran, Junchen Rong, Zheng Yan, G. J. Sreejith, Zi Yang Meng, Fabien Alet, Phys. Rev. B 108, 125112 (2023), arXiv:2305.06458
Anomalous relaxation of density waves in a ring-exchange system, Pranay Patil, Markus Heyl, Fabien Alet, Phys. Rev. E 107, 034119 (2023), arXiv:2211.16788
Re-entrance effect in the high-temperature critical phase of the quantum dimer model on the square lattice, Bhupen Dabholkar, G.J. Sreejith, Fabien Alet, Phys. Rev. B 106, 205121 (2022), arXiv:2207.03301
Weakly first-order quantum phase transition between Spin Nematic and Valence Bond Crystal Order in a square lattice SU(4) fermionic model, Pranay Patil, Fabien Alet, Sylvain Capponi, Matthieu Mambrini, Phys. Rev. B 105, L140403 (2022), arXiv:2109.10042
Probing symmetries of quantum many-body systems through gap ratio statistics, Olivier Giraud, Nicolas Macé, Eric Vernier, Fabien Alet, Phys. Rev. X 12, 011006 (2022) arXiv:2008.11173
Interaction-Driven Instabilities in the Random-Field XXZ Chain, Cefipra workshop « Topology and Entanglement in Quantum Matter », Toulouse, June 2024 slides
Re-entrance effect in the finite-temperature phase diagram of the quantum dimer model on the square lattice, Workshop Tensor Networks for Constrained Systems (program), Delft, October 2023, slides
Numerical simulations of MBL models, School on Quantum localization and Glassy physics, Cargese, July 2023, slides, references, tutorials, lecture notes
Many-body localization and its computational aspects, CECAM Workshop New Frontiers for Simulating Nonequilibrium Many Body Systems in Physics and Chemistry : An Interdisciplinary Response, Paris, June 2023 slides, references
Two topics on disordered many-body quantum systems, MBL symposium, Ljubljana, June 2023, slides
3 lectures on Many-Body Localization, Hong Kong Computational and Theoretical Physics Study Group 2023, March 2023, poster, slides, references, tutorials