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Jeudi 26 octobre 2023 - 14:00 ¡¡ attn créneau inhabituel !!

Skyrmions magnétiques : modèles, simulations et apprentissage automatique

Flavia A. Gómez Albarracín [IFLySiB (CONICET - UNLP), La Plata, Argentine]

par Revaz Ramazashvili - 26 octobre 2023

In this talk, I will start with a brief introduction to magnetic skyrmions, going over first experiments, relevant properties, potential applications and theoretical models where they are stabilized. Then, I will present our work in these last few years, combining numerical and analytical methods, in three areas : the proposal and exploration of models where exotic skyrmion phases (as antiferromagnetic skyrmions) arise, the addition of a chiral spin liquid as a means to control the formation of skyrmions with temperature, and the use of machine learning techniques to build skyrmion phase diagrams and detect exotic phases.

Post-scriptum :

contact : P. Pujol