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Mardi 6 juin 2023 - 14:00

Thermalisation de systèmes quasi-unidimensionnels en interaction

Miłosz Panfil (Université de Varsovie)

par Revaz Ramazashvili - 6 juin 2023

Many systems of experimental relevance exhibit quasi-one-dimensional behavior, characterized by the presence of nearly decoupled chains. In such systems, a distinct separation of scales emerges between the strong intra-chain interactions and the weak interchain coupling. Particularly in integrable systems with strong intra-chain interactions, the role of weak interchain couplings becomes vital in achieving thermal equilibrium.

During my presentation, I will introduce a Boltzmann-equation formalism that incorporates a collision integral, which proves to be asymptotically exact for any interacting integrable system. This formalism allows for a quantitative analysis of relaxation phenomena in coupled Bose gases, specifically in the context of the experimentally significant Newton’s cradle setup. Moreover, I will explore the emergence of pre-thermal states and discuss their possible implications.

Post-scriptum :

contact : Z. Ristivojevic