Accueil du site > Séminaires > Séminaires 2018 > Using quantum integrability for non-equilibrium dynamics
Lundi 08 octobre 2018 - ¡¡ à 10h30 !!
Eric Vernier (Oxford) ¡¡ Attn. date et l’heure inhabituelles !!
- 8 octobre 2018
The traditional analytical tools developed in the study of many-body quantum systems, and in particular quantum integrability, are notoriously difficult to apply to the context of out-of-equilibrium dynamics. The reason is that the latter typically involves contributions from the entire many-body spectrum, and not only low-lying excitations.
In this talk I will describe a method, the so-called "Boundary Quantum Transfer Matrix approach", which allows to compute the exact dynamics following a quantum quench in an integrable model (that is, letting it evolve starting from a given initial state). I will present a classification of the initial states which allow for such developments, the "integrable initial states". Physical applications will be discussed, in particular relating to the so-called "dynamical quantum phase transitions".
Post-scriptum :
contact : N. Laflorencie