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Quantum critical phenomena

par Revaz Ramazashvili - 9 mars 2017

This topic preoccupied me during the graduate years at Rutgers with Piers Coleman, and for some time afterwards. In particular, we studied the pairbreaking disorder-driven quantum phase transition between a superconductor and a normal metal :

RR and P. Coleman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3752 (1997)

We also had good luck of hearing Gabriel Aeppli’s talk on his and Almut Schröder’s neutron scattering data on gold-doped CeCu6, which lead us to the development of the phenomenology of local quantum criticality :

A. Schröder, G. Aeppli, E. Bucher, RR, and P. Coleman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5623 (1998)

A. Schröder, G. Aeppli, R. Coldea, M. Adams, O. Stockert, H.v. Löhneysen, E. Bucher, RR and P. Coleman, Nature 407, 351 (2000)

P. Coleman, C. Pépin, Q. Si and RR, Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter 13, R723 (2001)