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Introduction to Cluster Dynamics

par Mai Seve-Dinh - 7 mars 2017

Authors : Paul-Gerhard Reinhard and Eric Suraud

Introduction to Cluster Dynamics Wiley VCH, Berlin, 2003 ISBN 3527402450

Table of content : Introduction ; 1. About clusters ; 2. From clusters to numbers : experimental aspects ; 3. The cluster many body problem : a theoretical perspective ; 4. Gross properties and trends ; 5. New frontiers in cluster dynamics ; Conclusions ; Appendices

300 pages, 100 figures

This book is based on courses of cluster physics given in France in DEA and master and on university lectures given in Germany. The idea is to propose an elementary introduction to the physics of clusters but by leading the reader until the most recent developments of dynamics in strong field. In this spirit, and insofar as the physics of clusters is still little taught in universities, we remain at a rather general level of presentation, but nevertheless relying on very recent experimental and theoretical results. To our knowledge no work of this type is currently available in spite of the many recent developments of the field.