Accueil du site > Divers > Fabien Alet > Fabien Alet : Liste de publications
- 29 mai 2006
88. Phase transitions and remnants of fractionalization at finite temperature in the triangular lattice quantum loop model
Xiaoxue Ran, Sylvain Capponi, Junchen Rong, Fabien Alet, Zi Yang Meng
87. Statistics of systemwide correlations in the random-field XXZ chain:Importance of rare events in the many-body localized phase
Jeanne Colbois, Fabien Alet, Nicolas Laflorencie
86. Ergodic and non-ergodic properties of disordered SU(3) chains
Bhupen Dabholkar, Fabien Alet
85. Interaction-Driven Instabilities in the Random-Field XXZ Chain
Jeanne Colbois, Fabien Alet, Nicolas Laflorencie
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 116502 (2024), arXiv:2403.09608
84. Noncoplanar and chiral spin states on the way towards Néel ordering in fullerene Heisenberg models
Attila Szabó, Sylvain Capponi, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 109, 054410 (2024),
83. Classical fully-packed loop model with attractive interactions on the square lattice
Bhupen Dabholkar, Xiaoxue Ran, Junchen Rong, Zheng Yan, G. J. Sreejith, Zi Yang Meng, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 108, 125112 (2023),
82. Anomalous relaxation of density waves in a ring-exchange system
Pranay Patil, Markus Heyl, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. E 107, 034119 (2023),
81. Re-entrance effect in the high-temperature critical phase of the quantum dimer model on the square lattice
Bhupen Dabholkar, G.J. Sreejith, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 106, 205121 (2022),
80. Weakly first-order quantum phase transition between Spin Nematic and Valence Bond Crystal Order in a square lattice SU(4) fermionic model
Pranay Patil, Fabien Alet, Sylvain Capponi, Matthieu Mambrini
Phys. Rev. B 105, L140403 (2022),
79. Probing symmetries of quantum many-body systems through gap ratio statistics
Olivier Giraud, Nicolas Macé, Eric Vernier, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011006 (2022) arXiv:2008.11173
78. Probing many-body localization in a disordered quantum dimer model on the honeycomb lattice
Francesca Pietracaprina, Fabien Alet
SciPost Phys. 10, 044 (2021), arXiv:2005.10233
77. Finite-temperature symmetric tensor network for spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the square lattice
Didier Poilblanc, Matthieu Mambrini, Fabien Alet
SciPost Phys. 10, 019 (2021), arXiv:2010.07828
76. Entanglement and Confinement in Coupled Quantum Systems
Fabien Alet, Masanori Hanada, Antal Jevicki, Cheng Peng
JHEP 2021, 34 (2021),
75. Quantum half-orphans in kagome antiferromagnets
Pranay Patil, Fabien Alet, Sylvain Capponi, Kedar Damle
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043425 (2020),
74. Transition to a many-body localized regime in a two-dimensional
disordered quantum dimer model
Hugo Théveniaut, Zhihao Lan, Gabriel Meyer, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033154 (2020), arXiv:1902.04091
73. Neural network setups for a precise detection of the many-body localization transition : finite-size scaling and limitations
Hugo Théveniaut, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 100, 224202 (2019), arXiv:1904.13165
72. Multifractal Scalings across the Many-Body Localization Transition
Nicolas Macé, Fabien Alet, Nicolas Laflorencie,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 180601 (2019), arXiv:1812.10283
71. NetKet : A Machine Learning Toolkit for Many-Body Quantum Systems
Giuseppe Carleo, Kenny Choo, Damian Hofmann, James E. T. Smith, Tom
Westerhout, Fabien Alet, Emily J. Davis, Stavros Efthymiou, Ivan Glasser,
Sheng-Hsuan Lin, Marta Mauri, Guglielmo Mazzola, Christian B. Mendl, Evert
van Nieuwenburg, Ossian O’Reilly, Hugo Théveniaut, Giacomo Torlai,
Alexander Wietek
SoftwareX 10, 100311 (2019), arXiv:1904.00031
70. Many-body localization in a quasiperiodic Fibonacci chain
Nicolas Macé, Nicolas Laflorencie, Fabien Alet
SciPost Phys. 6, 050 (2019), arXiv:1811.01912
69. Shift-invert diagonalization of large many-body localizing spin chains
Francesca Pietracaprina, Nicolas Macé, David J. Luitz, Fabien Alet
SciPost Phys. 5, 045 (2018), arXiv:1803.05395
68. Out-of-time-ordered measurements as a probe of quantum dynamics
Pranjal Bordia, Fabien Alet, Pavan Hosur
Phys. Rev. A 97, 030103 (2018), arXiv:1801.08949
67. Many-body localization : an introduction and selected topics
Fabien Alet, Nicolas Laflorencie
Comptes Rendus Physique (2018), arXiv:1711.03145
66. Observation of Slow Dynamics near the Many-Body Localization Transition in One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Systems
Henrik P. Lüschen, Pranjal Bordia, Sebastian Scherg, Fabien Alet, Ehud Altman, Ulrich Schneider, Immanuel Bloch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 260401 (2017), arXiv:1612.07173
65. Sign-problem-free Monte Carlo simulation of certain frustrated quantum magnets
Fabien Alet, Kedar Damle, Sumiran Pujari
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 197203 (2016), arXiv:1511.01586
64. Extended slow dynamical regime close to the many-body localization transition
David J. Luitz, Nicolas Laflorencie, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 93, 060201(R) (2016), arXiv:1511.05141
63. Engineering SU(2) invariant spin models to mimic quantum dimer physics on the square lattice
Matthieu Mambrini, Sylvain Capponi, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 92, 134413 (2015), arXiv:1507.07703
62. Entanglement entropies of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice
Nicolas Laflorencie, David J. Luitz, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 92, 115126 (2015), arXiv:1506.03703
61. Magnetization plateaus of an easy-axis Kagomé antiferromagnet with extended interactions
X. Plat, F. Alet, S. Capponi, K. Totsuka
Phys. Rev. B 92, 174402 (2015), arXiv:1505.07943
60. Universal logarithmic corrections to entanglement entropies in two dimensions with spontaneously broken continuous symmetries
David J. Luitz, Xavier Plat, Fabien Alet, and Nicolas Laflorencie
Phys. Rev. B 91, 155145 (2015), arXiv:1503.01094
59. Transitions to valence-bond solid order in a honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet
Sumiran Pujari, Fabien Alet, Kedar Damle
Phys. Rev. B 91, 104411 (2015), arXiv:1502.01035
58. Many-body localization edge in the random-field Heisenberg chain
David J. Luitz, Nicolas Laflorencie, Fabien Alet
Phys. Rev. B 91, 081103(R) (2015), arXiv:1411.0660
57. Improving entanglement and thermodynamic Rényi entropy measurements in quantum Monte Carlo
D.J. Luitz, X. Plat, N. Laflorencie and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 90, 125105 (2014),
56. Participation spectroscopy and entanglement Hamiltonian of quantum spin models
D.J. Luitz, N. Laflorencie and F. Alet
J. Stat. Mech (2014) P08007,
55. Baxter-Wu model in transverse magnetic field
S. Capponi, S.S. Jahromi, F. Alet and K.P. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. E 89, 062136 (2014), arXiv:1403.1406
54. Analytical and numerical studies of disordered spin-1 Heisenberg chains with aperiodic couplings
H. L. Casa Grande, N. Laflorencie, F. Alet, and A. P. Vieira
Phys. Rev. B 89, 134408 (2014), arXiv:1311.5861
53. Shannon-Rényi entropies and participation spectra across 3d criticality
D.J. Luitz, F. Alet and N. Laflorencie
Phys. Rev. B 89, 165106 (2014),
52. Valence bond distribution and correlation in bipartite Heisenberg antiferromagnets
D. Schwandt, F. Alet and M. Oshikawa
Phys. Rev. B 89, 104406 (2014),
51. Universal behavior beyond multifractality in quantum many-body systems
D.J. Luitz, F. Alet and N. Laflorencie
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 057203 (2014),
50. Hindered magnetic order from mixed dimensionalities in CuPO
R. Nath, K. M. Ranjith, J. Sichelschmidt, M. Baenitz, Yu. Skourski, F. Alet, I. Rousochatzakis and A. A. Tsirlin
Phys. Rev. B 89, 014407 (2014), arXiv:1310.8315
49. Néel-State to Valence-Bond-Solid Transition on the Honeycomb Lattice : Evidence for Deconfined Criticality
S. Pujari, K. Damle, and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 087203 (2013), arXiv:1302.1408
48. Coexistence of long-range and algebraic correlations for short-range valence-bond wave functions in three dimensions
A.F. Albuquerque, F. Alet and R. Moessner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 147204 (2012), arXiv:1204.3195
47. Impurity spin texture at a Néel-Valence Bond Solid critical point in SU(3) quantum antiferromagnets
A. Banerjee, K. Damle and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 83, 235111 (2011) (APS), arXiv:1012.3691, Local abstract
46. Quantum criticality in the SO(5) bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg chain
F. Alet, S. Capponi, H. Nonne, P. Lecheminant, and I. P. McCulloch
Phys. Rev. B 83, 060407(R) (2011) (APS), arXiv:1011.1265, Local abstract
45. Critical correlations for short-range valence-bond wavefunctions on the square lattice
A.F. Albuquerque and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 82, 180408(R) (2010) (APS), arXiv:1009.1307, Local abstract
44. Geometrical entanglement of critical XXZ and Ising chains and Affleck-Ludwig boundary entropies
J.-M. Stéphan, G. Misguich and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 82, 180406(R) (2010) (APS), arXiv:1007.4161, Local abstract
43. Asymmetric spin-1/2 two-leg ladders : Analytical studies supported by exact diagonalization, DMRG, and Monte Carlo simulations
D. N. Aristov, C. Brünger, F. F. Assaad, M. N. Kiselev, A. Weichselbaum, S. Capponi and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 82, 174410 (2010) (APS), arXiv:1008.1644, Local abstract
42. Impurity spin texture at a deconfined quantum critical point
A. Banerjee, K. Damle and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 82, 155139 (2010) (APS), arXiv:1002.1375, Local abstract
41. Valence bond entanglement entropy of frustrated spin chains
F. Alet, I.P. McCulloch, S. Capponi, and M. Mambrini
Phys. Rev. B 82, 094452 (2010) (APS), arXiv:1005.0787, Local abstract
40. Phase diagram of an extended classical dimer model
D. Charrier and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 82, 014429 (2010) (APS), arXiv:1005.2522, Local abstract
39. Impurity effets in coupled-ladder BiCu2PO6 : NMR and QMC
L. K. Alexander, J. Bobroff, A. V. Mahajan, B. Koteswararao, N. Laflorencie and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 81, 054438 (2010) (APS), arXiv:0912.4353, Local abstract
38. Quantum critical scaling of fidelity susceptibility
A. F. Albuquerque, F. Alet, C. Sire and S. Capponi
Phys. Rev. B 81, 064418 (2010) (APS) , arXiv:0912.2689, Local abstract
37. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of fidelity at magnetic quantum phase transitions
D. Schwandt, F. Alet and S. Capponi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 170501 (2009) (APS), arXiv:0907.0191, Local abstract
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, November 2009 Issue
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, November 2009 Issue
36. The SU(N) Heisenberg model on the square lattice : a continuous-N quantum Monte Carlo study
K.S.D. Beach, F. Alet, M. Mambrini and S. Capponi
Phys. Rev. B 80, 184401 (2009) (APS), arXiv:0812.3657, Local abstract
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, November 2009 Issue
35. Coulomb gas transitions in three-dimensional classical dimer models
G. Chen, J. Gukelberger, S. Trebst, F. Alet and L. Balents
Phys. Rev. B 80, 045112 (2009) (APS), arXiv:0903.3944, Local abstract
34. The semiflexible fully-packed loop model and interacting rhombus tilings
J.L. Jacobsen and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 145702 (2009) (APS),
arXiv:0812.3490, Local abstract
33. Numerical simulations of quantum statistical mechanics models
F. Alet
Lecture notes of Les Houches Summer School 2008, Contact me
32. Comment on "Regional versus global entanglement
in resonating-valence-bond states"
F. Alet, D. Braun and G. Misguich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 248901 (2008) (APS), arXiv:0812.1932, Local abstract
31. Gauge theory picture of an ordering transition in a dimer model
D. Charrier, F. Alet and P. Pujol
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 167205 (2008) (APS), arxiv:0806.0559, Local abstract
30. Correlations and order parameter at a Coulomb-crystal phase transition
G. Misguich, V. Pasquier and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 78, 100402(R) (2008) (APS), arxiv:0803.2196, Local abstract
29. Comment on "Quantum Monte Carlo scheme for frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets"
K. S. D. Beach, M. Mambrini and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. B 77, 146401 (2008) (APS), arxiv:0801.4498, Local abstract
28. Spin gap and string order parameter in the ferromagnetic Spiral Staircase Heisenberg Ladder : a quantum Monte Carlo study
C. Brünger, F. F. Assaad, S. Capponi, F. Alet, D. N. Aristov and M. N. Kiselev
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 017202 (2008) (APS), arxiv:0706.2769, Local abstract
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, January 2008 Issue
27. Criticality of a classical dimer model on the triangular lattice
F. Trousselet, P. Pujol, F. Alet and D. Poilblanc
Phys. Rev. E 76, 041125 (2007) (APS), arxiv:0705.4550, Local abstract
26. Valence Bond Entanglement Entropy
F. Alet, S. Capponi, N. Laflorencie and M. Mambrini
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 117204 (2007) (APS), cond-mat/0703027, Local abstract
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, September 2007 Issue
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, September 2007 Issue
25. The ALPS project release 1.3 : open source software for strongly correlated systems
A.F. Albuquerque, F. Alet, P. Corboz, P. Dayal, A. Feiguin, S. Fuchs, L. Gamper, E. Gull, S. Gürtler, A. Honecker, R. Igarashi, M. Körner, A. Kozhenikov, A. Läuchli, S.R. Manmana, M. Matsumoto, I.P. McCulloch, F. Michel, R.M. Noack, G. Pawlowski, L. Pollet, T. Pruschke, U. Schollwöck, S. Todo, S. Trebst, M. Troyer, P. Werner and S. Wessel (The ALPS collaboration)
J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 310, 1187 (2007) (Elsevier), arxiv:0801.1765, Local abstract
24. Classical dimers with aligning interactions on the square lattice
F. Alet, Y. Ikhlef, J.L. Jacobsen, G. Misguich and V. Pasquier
Phys. Rev. E 74, 041124 (2006), (APS), cond-mat/0607747, Local abstract
23. Unconventional continuous phase transition in a three dimensional dimer model
F. Alet, G. Misguich, V. Pasquier, R. Moessner and J.L. Jacobsen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 030403 (2006), (APS), cond-mat/0603499, Local abstract
22. Doping quantum dimer models on the square lattice
D. Poilblanc, F. Alet, F. Becca, A. Ralko, F. Trousselet and F. Mila
Phys. Rev. B 74, 014437 (2006), (APS), cond-mat/0602256, Local abstract
21. Parity law of the singlet-triplet gap in graphitic ribbons
M. Al Hajj, F. Alet, S. Capponi, M.-B. Lepetit, J.-P. Malrieu and S. Todo
Eur. Phys. J. B 51, 517 (2006), (EDP), cond-mat/0601293, Local abstract
20. Exotic quantum phases and phase transitions in correlated matter
F. Alet, A.M. Walczak, M.P.A. Fisher
Physica A 369, 122 (2006), (Elsevier),
cond-mat/0511516, Local abstract
Web page with high-resolution versions
19. Interacting classical dimers on the square lattice
F. Alet, J. L. Jacobsen, G. Misguich, V. Pasquier, F. Mila and M. Troyer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 235702 (2005), (APS), cond-mat/0501241
18. Supersolids versus phase separation in two-dimensional lattice bosons
P. Sengupta, L. P. Pryadko, F. Alet, M. Troyer and G. Schmid
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 207202 (2005), (APS), cond-mat/0412338
17. Bosons in optical lattices - from the Mott transition to the Tonks-Girardeau gas
S. Wessel, F. Alet, S. Trebst, D. Leumann, M. Troyer and G. G. Batrouni
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. 74, 10 (2005), (JPS), cond-mat/0411473
16. The ALPS project : open source software for strongly correlated systems
F. Alet, P. Dayal, A. Grzesik, A. Honecker, M. Koerner, A. Laeuchli, S.R. Manmana, I.P. McCulloch, F. Michel, R.M. Noack, G. Schmid, U. Schollwoeck, F. Stoeckli, S. Todo, S. Trebst, M. Troyer, P. Werner, S. Wessel (The ALPS collaboration)
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. 74, 30 (2005), (JPS), cond-mat/0410407
15. A cluster algorithm for Lattice Gauge Theories
F. Alet, B. Lucini and M. Vettorazzo
Comput. Phys. Commun. 169, 370 (2005), (Elsevier), hep-lat/0409156
14. Local simulation algorithms for Coulombic interactions
L. Levrel, F. Alet, J. Rottler and A. C. Maggs
Pramana 64, 1001 (2005), (IAS), cond-mat/0409350
13. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of confined bosonic atoms in optical lattices
S. Wessel, F. Alet, M. Troyer and G. G. Batrouni
Phys. Rev. A 70, 053615 (2004), (APS), cond-mat/0404552
12. The generic, incommensurate transition in the two-dimensional Boson Hubbard model
F. Alet and E. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. B 70, 024513 (2004), (APS), cond-mat/0401236
11. Global phase diagram of the high Tc cuprates
H.-D. Chen, S. Capponi, F. Alet and S.-C. Zhang
Phys. Rev. B 70, 024516 (2004), (APS), cond-mat/0312660
10. Néel temperature of quasi-low-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets
C. Yasuda, S. Todo, K. Hukushima, F. Alet, M. Keller, M. Troyer and H. Takayama
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 217201 (2005), (APS), cond-mat/0312392
9. Dual geometrical worm algorithm for two-dimensional discrete classical lattice models
P. Hitchcock, E. Sørensen and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. E 70, 016702 (2004), (APS), cond-mat/0311011
8. Comparison of S=0 and S=1/2 impurities in the Haldane chain compound YBaNiO
J. Das, A. Mahajan, J. Bobroff, H. Alloul, F. Alet and E. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. B 69, 144404 (2004), (APS), cond-mat/0310645
7. Generalized directed loop method for Quantum Monte Carlo simulations
F. Alet, S. Wessel and M. Troyer
Phys. Rev. E 71, 036706 (2005), (APS), cond-mat/0308495
6. Directed geometrical worm algorithm applied to the quantum rotor model
F. Alet and E. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. E 68, 026702 (2003), (APS), cond-mat/0303080
5. Flat histogram methods for quantum systems : algorithms to overcome tunneling problems and calculate the free energy
M. Troyer, S. Wessel and F. Alet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 120201 (2003), (APS), cond-mat/0207138
4. Cluster Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Quantum Rotor Model
F. Alet and E. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. E 67, 015701(R) (2003), (APS), cond-mat/0211262
3. Self-adapting method for the localization of quantum critical points using Quantum Monte Carlo techniques
F. Alet and E. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. B 65, 092408 (2002), (APS), cond-mat/0110294
2. Magnetization profiles and NMR spectra of doped Haldane chains at finite temperatures
F. Alet and E. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. B 62, 14116 (2000), (APS), cond-mat/0006282
1. Aging phenomena in spin glasses and frustated ferromagnets
E. Vincent, F. Alet, M. Alba, J. Hammann, M. Ocio and J.-P. Bouchaud
Physica B 280, 260 (2000), (Elsevier)
C8. Entanglement of quantum spin systems : a valence-bond approach
S. Capponi, F. Alet and M. Mambrini
Modern Physics Letters B
C7. Computational Complexity and Simulation of Rare Events of Ising Spin Glasses
M. Pelikan, J. Ocenasek, S. Trebst, M. Troyer and F. Alet
Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 3103, 36 (2004), (Springer), cs/0402030
C6. Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of confined bosonic atoms in optical lattices
S. Wessel, F. Alet, M. Troyer and G. G. Batrouni
Adv. in. Solid State Phys. 44, 265 (2004), (Springer)
C5. Effective Hamiltonians for cuprates : Global phase diagrams
S. Capponi, H.-D. Chen, F. Alet and S.-C. Zhang
in Condensed Matter theory, vol. 19, Nova science publishers, (Nova)
C4. Histogram Methods for Quantum Systems : from Reweighting to Wang-Landau Sampling
M. Troyer, F. Alet, and S. Wessel
Braz. J. Phys. 34, 377 (2004), (SBF)
C3. Flat histogram methods for quantum systems
S. Wessel, M. Troyer and F. Alet
AIP Conf. Proc. 690, 402 (2003), (AIP)
C2. Improved directed loop method for Quantum Monte Carlo simulations
F. Alet, S. Wessel and M. Troyer
AIP Conf. Proc. 690, 369 (2003), (AIP)
C1. Non-local updates for Quantum Monte Carlo simulations
M. Troyer, F. Alet, S. Trebst and S. Wessel
AIP Conf. Proc. 690, 156 (2003), (AIP), physics/0306128
D2. Dimères classiques en interaction & Autres problèmes en magnétisme quantique
F. Alet
Habilitation à diriger les recherche (2016), HAL
D1. Étude numérique de systèmes magnétiques et supraconducteurs
F. Alet
Thèse de doctorat (2002), HAL
[1] Cette liste ne contient que des travaux originaux : articles réguliers dans des journaux ou actes de colloques avec comités de lectures qui n’ont pas été développés en article régulier.
[2] Cette liste contient des actes de colloques soit dans des journaux sans comité de lecture, soit qui ont été développés par la suite dans un article régulier.