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Accueil du site > Annuaire > Anciens Membres > Gao Congzhang

Gao Congzhang

Doctorant/PhD Student
Congzhang Gao

Publications :

  • Cong-Zhang Gao, Jing Wang, Feng-Shou Zhang. Theoretical study on collision dynamics of H+ + CH4 at low energies, J. Chem. Phys., 140 (2014). [link to journal]
  • Fei Mao, Chao Zhang, Cong-Zhang Gao , Jinxia Dai, and Feng-Shou Zhang. The effects of electron transfer on the energy loss of slow He2+ , C2+ , and C4+ ions penetrating a graphene fragment, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 26 (2014). [link to journal]
  • Cong-Zhang Gao, Jing Wang, Feng-Shou Zhang. Collision of H+ + CH4 at 30 eV : A simulation study, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 307 (2013). [link to journal]
  • Cong-Zhang Gao, Jing Wang, Feng-Shou Zhang. Dynamics of proton collisions with acetylene, ethylene and ethane at 30 eV, Chemical Physics, 410 (2013). [link to journal]